Get Your Projects Funded
Identifying grant makers to support your projects is a difficult task, but the MPS Funding Guide can simplify your search!
The MPS Funding Guide is an accurate and up-to-date directory of national and international agencies, foundations and organizations that fund pastoral and/or human development projects.
- Over 300 profiles of prospective funders including contact data, application process/key dates, previous grant history.
- Easy-to-use, searchable graphic Index to locate qualifying funders by country of origin, geographic areas served, and type of aid given so you can quickly target those funders who mostly closely align with the needs of your project.
- Bonus Guide to Grant Writing section with tips, tools and sample materials.
- Grant Writers Dictionary – essential terms both beginner and veteran grant writers needs to know.
New to grant writing or looking to enhance your skills?
MPS Online and In-Country Workshops and Training
MPS provides impactful, online and in-country workshops that help Catholic Missionaries achieve funding success. Our training curriculum includes three, four and five- day workshops on a range of topics such as grant writing, project cycle management and strategic planning. Customized training is also offered.