MPS Funding Guide, 10th Edition Now Available in English, Spanish and French - $59 (plus S&H)   Buy Now


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The MPS Funding Guide is the premier directory of agencies, foundations, and organizations that fund Catholic missionary projects, both pastoral and/or human development.  We’ve been hard at work on the 10th edition and are anxious to share it with you!

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1vidar nordli mathisen D N8O jfH50 unsplash 800The 10th edition of the MPS Funding Guide has been revised, updated, and expanded to include profiles on over 100 NEW grantmakers, as well as detailed information on alternative funding sources.  Additional features include:

  • Over 300 profiles of prospective funders including contact data, application process/key dates, previous grant history.
  • Easy-to-use, searchable graphic Index to locate qualifying funders by country of origin, geographic areas served, and type of aid given so you can quickly target those funders who mostly closely align with the needs of your project.
  • Bonus Guide to Grant Writing section with tips, tools and sample materials to help you achieve funding success!
  • Grant Writers Dictionary – essential terms both the beginner and veteran grant writer needs to know
  • Available in English, Spanish and French.

Shipping & Handling Fees/Information

sisters laughingShipping fee for US orders - $9

Shipping fee for International Orders - $36.99

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